
Well hello there! This is the place where I share my crafts, recipes, knitting and crochet projects, photos, and moments of family life in the Midwest.

About the Dieter Family

Hello! I'm Shauna. Our family lives in Iowa City Iowa. I have been married to my best friend, Jered, since 1999. I'm the mom to "the boys" otherwise known as Max and Riley. The Dieter Family blog started in 2005, when Max was born, to keep my extended family in Canada and various states informed on our activities in Iowa. Riley completed our family in 2009.

Monday through Friday I am in cubical land working on software. So on the weekends I like to craft, cook, and basically do anything that is creative with my kids. Jered is a former chef that decided after 12 years of cooking he needed a change. He is currently in college studying to be a Paramedic.The bonus is that he still loves to cook, but now it's just for us!


Yarn - I have been Knitting for 16 years and Crocheting for 5 years
Interiors - Mid-century Modern is my style
Clothes/Shoes - Functional yet feminine (I have to chase two boys around!)
Print making - I'm starting to learn this craft
Illustration - Sketching and Drawing all styles
Baking - Cakes, pastries, anything sweet.


1 comment:

  1. Cool blog! My name is Max Dieters and I'm from the Netherlands, I got here because I was googling my own family.


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